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Living in London

Julian, Kenichi & Gwendoline

When I arrived in London in September, 2014, I was very nervous because I was not fluent in English and my English was rusty. On the journey to my hostel, which I had booked when I was in Japan, I still remember when I got onto a London bus and I asked the bus driver, "Do you go to Kings College Hostel?” He kept saying “What?” Maybe my pronunciation was not correct!

After I arrived at my accommodation, I had to find my room number. I had prepared the words. I said, “I have question.” Then he said, “How many questions?” I said, “Oh sorry I have a question.” I was very nervous again.

After I left my luggage in the hostel, I went to a TESCO EXPRESS, because I had to eat something. When I entered the shop, a very friendly African guy came up to me and said, "Oh my friend, how can I help you?" He was very nice, and I bought some sandwiches.

On the 2nd day, I went sightseeing, I saw London Bridge, Big Ben, and so on. Everything was fantastic. I enjoyed seeing the difference between other European countries and England won. I was in Germany for one year so I could compare the buildings. In Germany, they don't build together old buildings next to new skyscrapers but in London they put them in the same place. So I can say it's kind of fusion city!

Focussing on the weather, it was like early spring. I needed some layers. So I thought the weather was not like in the middle of summer though for me, it was better. I don't like the weather that’s too hot.

I went to Regent's Park and I saw squirrels. I have never seen them in Japan, so I was very surprised. They are so cute. In addition, sometimes I saw foxes in gardens. Their barks sound very lonesome. I didn’t think I would like the taste of fish and chips before I came to London but after I arrived, I changed my mind. The taste of the potatoes is very tasty, sweet and chewy. I can choose various kinds of fish and they are very healthy.

People in London are very friendly and helpful. If I ask someone, everyone helps me, but I also find they are bit shy. I thought all of people in Europe would be very strong and have their own opinion. I hope I don’t stereotype people, but all German people were very strong, whereas English people, I have found, don't always say what they want to say. Sometimes they don't say what they are really thinking so these attitudes are very similar to Japan. That was very interesting.

The price range of British supermarkets varies. If you pay extra money, you can get anything you like, for example Japanese, Italian or Mexican food. I always want to cook Japanese style food but I have never had any trouble finding Japanese food. In London, I can get almost any Japanese food anytime. That is awesome!

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