My Trip to Wales

I would like to tell you about my last trip with my cousin. We spent a few days in Wales and it was my first time outside London. On this occasion we were based in the coastal city of Swansea.
Our first morning in Swansea was dry, and although it remained characteristically windy it was a lovely day to walk from the marina to The Junction Café, located half-way along the Bay towards Mumbles Head (approximately 3 ½ miles).
After that we moved to my cousin’s friend’s house which was on three floors and very welcoming. I was shocked by the price they pay monthly which is £650 all included, It is completely different from London. After lunch, we played some games and we watched a football match till we went out.
When we left, we went straight away to a pub in the city centre. We started to drink but after a certain time, I had to stop as I would not have been able to keep up with them -they drink too much!
I also realise that cities outside London are much cheaper. We took taxis all around the city and for all our journeys we didn’t pay more than £7. Finally, we returned home because our coach back to London was early in the morning.