Getting Used to London

I've lived in England for nine months but I don't feel it is a long time or a short time because I have had lots of experiences that I haven't ever experienced from when I started living here. I would like to write something about what I am now able to do and what was hard for me in the beginning but has now changed and is familiar by spending a long time in England.
I arrived in England from Japan on 21st April. There is a nine hour time difference between England and Japan so I couldn't get used to the difference and I was wide awake in the evening for seven weeks. It made me crazy!
Next, I had to get some things for my flat. I needed shampoo and some drinks so I went to Tesco. When I bought the things the shop staff asked if I needed a bag but I couldn't hear what they said and I was embarrassed, but now I'm used to what shop staff say!
One month later, I couldn’t get used to understanding when and where to get on or off trains in the direction I would like to go to and I often got lost but approximately two months later, I got used to going where I would like to go.
l also got used to understanding the lessons at school. Six months later, I was used to communicating in English and it changed to my pleasure. I started reading newspapers despite not being able to understand everything.
I didn't mind that because some people taught me the best way to learn English and I had a small achievement as I learned new words by reading newspapers.
Now it is my pleasure to learn English and understand what is written. I'm wondering if I want to read a lot of books in English and I believe studying English is a good way to meet people who have different thinking from me. Of course I would like to communicate better by speaking in English and Japanese!