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Last Saturday....

It was a Saturday morning when one of my friends, Reka, called me to invite me to an exhibition. She works at the V&A Museum as a volunteer so that’s why she can invite one guest to enter all the exhibitions for free. I didn’t have any plans for that day so I told her I would join her with pleasure. I have already been with her to this museum before and I enjoyed the visit.

We met in front of the Museum at 12pm. The exhibition’s name was ’Opus Anglicanum: Masterpieces of English Medieval Embroidery’. In the first half of the exhibition, we could see numerous things with embroidery from the middle ages, for instance, parochial copes, chasubles, shoes, seal-bags and tapestries. In the second part, we could see embroidered clothes that belonged to princes, knights and noblemen. There was a short video about the procedure of embroidery making, too. The exhibition was fascinating.

After that, we went to see another exhibition because it was still early. That was called ’Undressed: A Brief History of Underwear’. I really liked it. They showed underwear design from the 18th century to nowadays. Some pieces were shocking and astonishing. I can recommend this exhibition to everybody with pleasure.

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