A Japanese Tale - The Crane Lady

The Crane Lady
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and woman. They were not so rich that they could live in a big house, but they always felt happy living together. One cold, snowy day the old man went to a town to sell wood. On his way home he suddenly heard a noise while he was walking in the wood. “What was that?” he said looking around. Then he saw a shadow moving and realised that it was a crane. “Poor thing. It’s a crane in a trap!” he said. He slowly walked nearer and tried to help the crane. “Stop. I’ll help you out, don’t move,” he said. As he released the crane it flew away to the mountain.
When he got home he told his wife what had happened. “I feel so happy today even with this heavy snow,” he said. “Oh, why is that?” asked an old woman. “I helped a trapped crane in the forest. Apparently, this crane was changed into statue or something by someone,” answered the old man.
That night someone knocked on the door. “Who is it?” said the old woman and opened the door. There was a beautiful lady standing in front of the door. “Excuse me.” said the lady. “I’m looking for my friend but I got lost.”
“It is very cold outside tonight. We are so poor that we don't have a very nice bed or food, but why don't you come in and have a rest?” said the old woman. The lady was so happy to hear their kindness and decided to stay there. The next day and for several days there was heavy snow, so she had to stay several days more. She cooked and did everything for them. She massaged their shoulders before going to bed every night. The old couple didn't have any children, so they thought of her as she was their own daughter. One night the lady said, “I really love staying with you. Please make me your daughter, would you?” They were very happy to hear this and answered “Yes, of course.”
One day, she brought some beautiful clothes. “I made this for you. If possible let me make some more clothes for you.” The clothes were so beautiful that they nodded their heads. “However, there is one thing that I want you to promise,” she said. “What is it? We’ll do whatever you want,” they replied. “From now on, do not ever look inside my room while I’m making clothes. Never.” said the lady. “Of course we promise. We will never look into your room while you’re making clothes.” So they always listened to the sound of her making clothes and they were very happy listening to that sound. Also, the clothes she made were all so wonderful that they always wore them. One day, she came to them and said, “Father, mother. I made something really special for you. This is made from special cloth. I thought it would be a good idea to sell it in town. When it is sold would you buy me more thread?” It was a very beautiful garment and they were so impressed to see it.
The next day the old man went to town to sell the garment. As soon as he got it out from his bag, a rich man bought it for a very good price. He went home and celebrated with his wife and daughter. That night when she was making another new garment, the old woman said, “I'm so impressed to see how beautiful the garments she makes are. I want to know how she makes them.”
”No, no. We promised her not to look in her room while she’s making, didn’t we?” said the old man. But the old woman couldn’t help looking in her room. “My dear, let me see how you are making such beautiful garments out of thread.” She tried to open the door and realised there was a crane making the garments using her feathers. “Oh dear….” She ran to the old man and told him what she had seen.
“I’m the crane that you helped out of the trap on the day that it was snowing so hard.” said the crane. She was standing in front of the door, looking at them. “I wanted to do something for you two because you were so kind to me but now that you know that I’m a crane, I cannot stay here any longer.” They asked her to stay but it was too late. She changed into a crane, opening her wings widely, and flew away and never came back.
The old man and woman lived happily ever after, with the money that they had got from the last garment that the crane had made.
The End.