A Turkish Tale- How to Use A Donkey

Nasrettin Hoca and his young son were on their way to the market. Hoca was riding his donkey and his son was walking beside him. As they travelled, they heard a few villagers talking about them. “Look at our Hoca, he is comfortably riding on his donkey and letting his poor little boy walk along. Shame on Hoca for making the boy suffer like that!” When Nasrettin Hoca heard this, he wanted to rectify what was perceived as his selfishness. He put his son on the donkey and he started to walk beside him.
Then shortly after, they met another couple of villagers. “Look at Hoca and his son!” they said, “these are the times we are living in. A young boy is riding on the donkey and his poor old father is sweating to keep up with them. Today's children have no respect for their parents.” Nasrettin Hoca found some reason in this comment and thought of another remedy. They both got off the donkey and started to walk beside it.
A little while later, a group of villagers, also going to the market, approached the Hoca’s procession, the son and the donkey, all walking one after the other. “Hoca and his son have no minds, whatsoever”, they whispered, “They are both hot on their feet and the donkey is strolling along. Don't these people know what a donkey is for?” Hoca heard this and thought they had a point. The solution was clear. Both he and his son sat on the donkey.
As they continued their trip, both of them sitting on the donkey, thinking to themselves that they had finally complied with all the opinions of the villagers, they met another of their acquaintances. He was not very happy to see both Hoca and the boy on a scrawny donkey.
“Hoca”, he yelled, “don't you have any mercy? How is this poor little animal supposed to carry two people? Have some pity please!” Nasrettin Hoca agreed with this last remark as well.
What were they to do?