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El Ratoncito Pérez - Little Mouse Pérez

This story is about a nice, small mouse called Pérez. In Spain, when you are a child and one of your teeth falls out, you have to put your tooth under your pillow and that night the mouse comes and leaves a present under your pillow. My house's mouse used to leave money, and sometimes toys. For me it was very exciting every time that I lost a tooth.

I can remember once when I was 7 or 8 years old, how I could feel my father leaving something under my pillow. When he saw that I had woken up, he gave me a hug and he told me have a good night. In the end I found money there. From that time I realised that it was my father who put the money under my pillow. Luckily, he didn't realise that I had seen him. And I have never told him anything about that night! Anyway, I preferred thinking that it was the mouse who put the money there, otherwise the next time it wouldn't be exciting for me.

Actually, I knew he wasn't real, but I think it's a good thing for kids to have illusions in their life. Like at Christmas with Santa Claus. Sometimes adults need something similar, because we are always worried about many problems and we forget that you only live once and life is short. I think it's really good to go back to your childhood even though you are a old man. Because....who enjoys themselves more than a child?

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