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An Interview With Yukari- By Manuel

Question: What's your name?

Answer: Yukari.

Q: When is your birthday?

A: 6th of September.

Q: What's your nickname?

A: My nickname is "Karry".

Q: Where were you born?

A: I was born in Kobe.

Q: What's your mother's name ?

A: My mother's name is Shinobu.

Q: Which country would you like visit?

A: I would like to visit France.

Q: Which languages can you speak?

A: I can speak Japanese and English.

Q: Are you afraid of flying?

A: No.

Q:What are your hobbies?

A: My hobbies are surfing , yoga and watching TV series.

Q: Are you married?

A: No I'm not.

Q: How long have you been learning English?

A: One month in London

Q: Where did you go on Holiday last year?

A: I went to Hokkaido.

Q: Where are you going on your next holiday?

A: I'm going to go to Thailand.

Q: Last question! What's your lucky number?

A: My lucky number is "8".

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