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Run , Run , Pumpkin!

Once upon a time an old lady lived in a house near the forest.

One day she decided to visit her grandsons and her daughter. They lived far away from her house so she had to walk through the forest.

In the middle of the forest she met a wolf and he asked her where she was going, she replied that she was going to visit her family. The wolf said she wasn't going anywhere because he was going to eat her, the old lady asked him not to eat her yet because she was slim and when she came back she would be fat.The wolf allowed the old lady to go with the promise that she came back.After that, the old lady met another wolf and told him the same story.

Finally she arrived at her daughter and grandsons’ house and they were very happy to see her. At the end of the day, she told her family what had happened in the forest. Her daughter had an idea and she went to the garden and found an enormous pumpkin and explained to her mother that when she sees the wolf she should put herself inside the pumpkin.

After that when she was going home the wolves looked for the old Lady but she was hiding inside the pumpkin. “Oh pumpkin, have you seen an old Lady?” they asked. The old Lady replied from inside the pumpkin that she hadn't seen any old Lady or old Man or anyone.

Run , run pumpkin! Run , run , pumpkin! So she ran....

Luckily the old lady arrived home safely.

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