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My Talent - Playing The Piano!

My talent

One of my talents is playing the piano. I started to learn the piano when I was 5 years old. It was my mother’s idea to start learning it. I don’t remember exactly what I was like when I started, but I remember I didn’t like practising the piano. I preferred to play with friends than going to a piano lesson. So when I turned 7 years old, I quit.

However, one day when I was 9 year old, a boy, who was one of my classmates, played a piano so well. I was impressed and shocked. Suddenly I thought I really want to play the piano like him. That was when I began to learn the piano again, and practised really hard. I liked playing the piano, so practising the piano was not stressful for me. It was just one of my hobbies to enjoy myself.

Also, since I was in a brass band it really helped me to express each song I played. As I grew up there were so many difficult situations that I had to face, for example many exams, many things to study, relationship with my friends and so on. But playing the piano helped me to make relax, by expressing my feelings to the melodies.

When I was 18 years old I had to make a decision whether to go to university or not, or which university to go to. My piano teacher recommended me to go to a music university. However, I made a decision to go to university and study nursing. I didn’t want to force myself to play the piano at university but wanted to play the piano as a tool for my relaxation.

Recently, I started to teach the piano to children the same age as me when I started to learn the piano. When I came to London, I was staying with a host mother who loved music. She told me to feel free to play the piano, and when I played she really enjoyed it which made me happy. At the same time I started to teach her how to play or how to read music. One day my host mother said “You play really well and teach well. Why don’t you try to teach other people?” At first I didn’t know if I could be a good teacher, because I've never taught someone. But I know how wonderful it is to have a music in your life so when I teach children, I try to make them enjoy the atmosphere with the piano, so that they will love life with a piano!

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