The Best Cheese In The World!
The origins of Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan) cheese date back to the Middle Ages and are usually placed around the XII century.
In the Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries of Parma-Reggio Emilia, thanks to the abundance of rivers and wide pastures, the production of a hard cheese, obtained through the processing of milk in large boilers, spread.
However, people outside our county, and I mean not just Italy but Reggio Emilia, don't understand the importance that cheese has for us, it is like gold.
Our grandparents, from when we are young, teach us a lot of stories about it. For example, during the second war, my granddad stole a big block of Parmesan
that weighed about 40 kg, and he rode on his bicycle for almost one hour without ever giving up. Consequently, when he arrived home everyone was happy because the family could eat for more the one week. Despite his fear about taking the cheese, he realised the importance of our cheese because he could give food to almost 8 members of the family.
That is just an example of what happened in our family, everyone has a different story.
I think people should know some of these stories not just about Parmesan, but about food in general so they can be more ethical and appreciate and not waste food.