Social Codes In Japan!

Social Codes in JAPAN!
1.Talking on a phone in a loud voice on public transport is not good behaviour.
2.When getting on train, bus or taxi, we should queue in a line.
3.Laughing out loud in the cinema could cause offence. Crying or smiling is okay.
4.When talking to elders or people who you don’t know very well, you should use formal language.
5.Saying please/thank you in Japanese would make Japanese people happy.
6.When you say hello to people you are not that close to, you could bow and say hi.
7.When ordering food in restaurant, we often share things, and divide the cost when paying the bill.
8. When you meet women whose age is around 30, you should be careful asking about their marriage/relationships.
9.When visiting someone’s house and bringing a gift, say that the gift might not be good for them, instead of saying “I’m sure you'll like it!”.
10.Pointing at someone is rude.
11.Using escalators in Tokyo, stand on right, but when using them in the western part of Japan, stand on the left.
12.On New Year's Day, grown ups must give children money which is called “Otoshidama”.