A Letter To London

Dear London,
I've been living here with you for over one year now and I feel that it's time you should know this...
It took me a long time to decide to come here. Of course, I had been thinking about living in a different country since I graduated from my school but things don't always work out the way we want.
Anyway, one day I just decided I would go to London. And "tadaa" after few weeks I arrived. Honestly, at first I didn't like you. Probably because I am a girl who comes from a really little village in the middle of nowhere, where we don´t even have any shops and traffic congestion is basically one bus a day!
So you, London, you were pretty big and too busy. You were like a giant monster who swallowed me up and after that spat me out into my house without any power or energy to do anything because I´d spent the whole day searching for the right way, for the right bus, the right tube to get to the place I wanted to go!
I had to get used to you always being full of people, there will always be bad traffic here and delayed buses which I still really hate. Maybe that´s why I am an underground hero. Ha ha :) !
Despite being so busy and rushing like crazy, I´ve found you really charming. No, I don´t want to flirt with you now! Really.
This is just the truth. You are the most colourful "thing" I have ever seen! Your grass is always so green and the best thing is people are allowed to walk across it! Despite the busy roads, driving is easier than in Czech Republic. Drivers are so kind to one other. Of course, not every time- it depends on how much time you spend waiting at red lights :)
People are so relaxed. They just don´t mind sitting down in expensive suits or dresses on grass. Even though they are in a rush they know how to relax. Just no stress! This is exactly what I need to feel. No stress. Take everything easy!
You never offer me the same people in streets! Although a couple of times I experienced meeting the same people on the tube. It makes me happy, because I know how rare that is. Actually the anonymity is something I really enjoy here. People don´t judge you because you are wearing blue lipstick, have violet hair or just different clothes. When you get into trouble, people kindly help you. That´s not what I would expect of such a big city.
And your architecture? This is slightly crazy! There is an old church, and next to it, a modern glass building is built! Isn´t that crazy? Of course, this is the reason why some people don't like you or on the other hand absolutely love you. And I do! I absolutely love you for this! If I add the fact I always have something to do, because you offer lots of fun, great cosy restaurants and pubs, lots of great shops and nice parks....I can not get away from it... I have to Love you!
Your Iveta