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A Review- Rogue One

I love Star Wars. I have loved Star Wars since I was a kid.

When, in 2015, I saw the trailer of episode 7 I almost cried. And when I went to see the movie, during the Christmas holidays, I had the sensation of seeing an old friend from my childhood who, despite the distance, hugged me as if nothing had changed.

My inner 7 year old was fully pumped coming out of the cinema. The new characters, the old ones, the plot (although it wasn't actually a NEW story but more like a new generation of characters) the good old sarcasm and fine humour... everything was amazing to me.

And then Rogue One happened. I have to be honest here. I wasn't excited about it. I didn't know what to expect, it was out of my comfort zone. A star wars movie with out Jedi? A story before episode 4 with none of the characters that were involved in ep.4?! Are you kidding me? I was genuinely worried that going 'off the beaten track' with a movie that didn't involve the familiar set and plot of the Star Wars galaxy, would damage the saga (and yes from this phrase you can understand the problems that I have when things change and

evolve. I'm a bit like Sheldon Cooper if you want, but not as intelligent for sure!)

But then Christmas came, and with it also my usual Christmas movie with my brothers, so we went to the cinema, we sat down, and girl..I've never been so wrong in my life! This movie is so gripping! It is different from all the other Star Wars movie, you don't see the famous scrolling text, and you

are just launched into a dark and hopeless galaxy in which the Empire is devastating everything in order to get what it wants!

The music is not the usual Star Wars theme but it is still has an inkling of it, and makes everything just more special.

The plot is so well structured, you have a good explanation of why everyone does what they do, why they are taking those risks and their personal reasons for doing so.

And it's so dark. I mean, really really dark. There's no hope, nowhere in the galaxy is safe and the rebels are trying to defeat an Empire that is becoming more and more powerful everyday.

The main characters are forced to work together for very different personal reasons, but because of this, they realise that that is the only way to defeat the dark side. (I'm trying to be Spoiler free!) A huge shout out for the cast because it is one of the most mixed race casts that a Star Wars movie

has ever had, one of the main characters is a fierce young woman , another one is play by a Mexican actor that keeps his Spanish accent! And I mean it's 2017, it was DEFINITELY time!

Rouge One is a respectful, brave, ambitious and memorable Star Wars movie, made by a fan for fans.

P.s. As soon as I went to bed that night I got in the feotal position and cried my eyes out. So I guess «moving» is definitely another adjectives that you can use when you talk about Rouge One.

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