Report on Language Learning in Argentina :)

Learning a language in my country - Argentina
The aim of this report is to comment on the foreign languages that you can learn in Argentina. I am going to explain a little bit about where you can learn them and who is interested in studying them and the reasons why.
Languages people learn
The main language in Argentina is, as everybody knows, Spanish. There are many others minority languages in the north and the south of the country but only native people speak them. These languages are only taught in the family as a tradition and part of the culture, which means that they are in danger of extinction.
In big cities like Buenos Aires you can learn whatever you want, from languages currently spoken to dead languages. Also you have many bilingual schools and children can become bilingual in English, Italian, German and French which are the most most common.
Despite the variety of opportunities, most people study English more than anything else because it is a global and universal language.To summarise, whichever language you want to study in Argentina, you can.
Effects on local culture
As a consequence of this language globalisation, the local people are suffering the loss of their main languages. What I mean with local people is that indigenous tribes have their own ways of communication. So, the result is no good for them or for their culture at all. Conversely, the globalisation of languages is excellent for keeping in touch with people from many countries and working with them. It is the best way to be communicative with the whole world.
Recommendations for improving languages learning
First of all, if you are not a language lover, start with one. Chose the best for you and go ahead. If you love languages you can learn more than one at the same time but I recommended not too many because learning a new language is very hard. You need time and dedication and you really need to focus on it.
In Argentina just chose the language you want to learn and go to a good institute. Then, when you can speak it and use some grammar, do an extra class with someone whose main language is the one you are studying. Only for speaking, because in that way you can improve listening and speaking, and with the institute the grammar.
In my country there aren’t many places where you can do everything well. What I mean is that in an institute, you are going to learn a great deal but especially, you will learn grammar, so you need to go somewhere else to get more practice or do extra classes. So I think one of the ways to improve languages in Argentina is by combining the three things; speaking, listening and grammar, and giving them the same importance.