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Learning In Slovakia

Foreign Languages in My Country (Slovakia)


Most people in my country are unwilling to learn a foreign language, of course not everybody, but not so many people have the ability or even the passion to learn new things. My friends have asked me many times where to study English language or they thought, that the college where I am studying English now is just a waste of money, but they do not know what they are missing and lots of them are giving up before they give this option a try! They used to complain about a lack of time or money, which I think is the wrong attitude, and yet they still used to enjoy going to parties.

Universities In My Country

As for learning languages in my country, there is a real problem with good universities, because it is really hard to pay the fees for the best universities. I found a few that ! wanted to attend but with my income in Slovakia, as it was 10 years ago, I could not have afforded to pay the fees as they would have been 50 percent of my income and another 20 percent would have gone on living costs, so I would have had only 30 percent for rent. It is really hard to study sometimes.

A Way To Study

My suggestion is that people should work overtime when they have the opportunity and especially when you work for an agency in Slovakia you have a lot of opportunities to work overtime in factories for companies such as Volkswagen. The problem is that not so many employers are willing to give their employees a chance to study and work, so creating a work-life balance is very difficult. Employers usually say you have two options; you can work for us full-time and do overtime, or you can study and you will have to work part-time and will therefore have less income to pay for everything.

Be Ambitious

Of course not every employer is like this, but when you work for small company you do not have lot of options, so most people like to work for companies such as Volkswagen or in finance because of the money they can earn. In particular, those people with ambitions to grow and develop their skills overall will find a job that allows them to follow their dreams and study a foreign language.

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