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Learning English in Japan

Learning English in Japan


The purpose of this report is to comment on foreign language learning in Japan, to explain the current way of English learning and to make suggestion to improve English learning, especially English teaching in Japan.

Who learns English and where they learn it in Japan

In Japan, English learning is in a 'special' situation. Most people in Japan live in mono-language surroundings all through their lives. We can live just speaking Japanese without any troubles if we don't speak another language. That's why the main reason people learn English is to pass examinations, especially entrance examinations for universities. During their school days all Japanese students have to learn English at their school for at least six years. Most students just need to learn English in the most effective way that will help them pass their exam. Consequently, the main purpose of English learning in Japan is far from communication.

English teaching at school in Japan

The main purpose of a language is to communicate with others, so we have to shift our English teaching to ways that help students communicate with others. Unfortunately, many Japanese English teachers use English just in the classroom, know just what is in the textbook and believe that a teacher who can make students pass an exam is a good teacher. If more teachers spent their time in an English speaking environment, they would get to know what is important in English teaching.

My recommendation

I would recommend changing teachers' consciousness as an effective way to improve English teaching . Nowadays we have many methods to teach English for a communicative purpose. If only you learnt one of them enthusiastically, you would get a new teaching method quickly. However, I think one of the most essential things for a language teacher is to use the language in their own lives. The more teachers know real English speaking surroundings, the better the English teaching they provide can be. The world is getting narrower, the Japanese should see the real world with English, then they would have more opportunities in their future. Japanese English teachers should know the world outside the classroom.

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