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Proposal to Honour a Local Hero

In response to your invitation, I am writing to suggest a local hero who, in my opinion, deserves to be honoured. My hero is from my neighbourhood, and I know him personally.

My choice

My choice is Mr Yamamoto Yutaka, who is a boys' baseball team coach in our town. Mr Yamamoto works for a company as a manager, spending his busy days doing things such as checking facilities, meeting his staff and attending meetings, from Monday to Friday. After work he tries to join his team as often as possible to make it better. Almost every Saturday he spends his time on the field. During big tournaments he is with his team and he often stays over with them for several days.

Reason for my choice

My main reason for choosing Mr Yamamoto is that he has been a baseball coach for many years working as a volunteer and all of his team members respect him. His devoted efforts have made our boys' team famous in our area and many boys like keeping in contact with him after leaving the team. Sometimes Mr Yamamoto attends the boys' wedding ceremonies. My other reason is that his activity has energised our town. Many citizens aid the team and go to stadiums to cheer the team on.

Honouring my hero

If my choice of local hero is accepted, I suggest that the council should set up a fund which could be used to fund an annual prize for someone who devotes their effort to our town. This could be named the Mr Yamamoto Award.

I hope you will consider Mr. Yamamoto a suitable nominee who deserves to be honoured.

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