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Fashion- Be Who You Want to Be!

Are fashion items too expensive or is the price acceptable because fashion plays an important role in everyone’s life?

Nowadays, fashion plays a significant role in our lives, but not only now has it been so important for us human to wear the right clothes. If we could turn back time to the Middle Ages we would see that fashion was an established part of their everyday life. All citizens were separated on the basis of how they looked because everyone was categorised into classes.

Today, not much has changed (except that the nobility has vanished) and we can still tell if a person is rich or poor. But shouldn't everyone have the right to wear what he wants to for an affordable price?

Let's face the fact that well-known brands put their label on anything that they produce and sell it for much more than it's worth. In addition, it is often produced in sweatshops where the garment workers work for a pittance and hardly see any daylight. Just because it is expensive doesn't mean that good quality is guaranteed. No. People pay for the name .

But no one is forced to buy brands and to spend all their money on clothes. Today we have the possibility of visiting thrift shops and buying used things on the internet. Not only is it cheap, but you'll also have a better conscience for not supporting greedy shops. Of course, no one can forbid people to spend a lot of money on unaffordable brands when they enjoy it and there are also people who like saving money for expensive things and appreciate their value.

Moreover, people are what they wear; When we see someone with a Gucci bag and Versace dress we can easily categorise this person. It's the same when we spot someone on the street who's wearing worn, old clothes. With fashion we express ourselves, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. We feel familiar with people with the same style and it's easier for us to be friends with those than with someone who looks completely different.

Without a doubt I think that fashion is really important. For me fashion equals art and it's more about combining and creativity for which it's not necessary to be rich. But I don't have problems with spending money on new clothes as well, it makes me feel better and it's the best medicine against a bad mood. I also think that it pushes your own self-esteem and that you feel more confident when you are dressed prettily because when I go out and wear things I like, it's much easier for me to speak to people I have never seen before.

In a nutshell, fashion will always be a part of our lives because we express our feelings and life standard with the clothes we wear. Although, everyone has a different opinion about whether or not clothes are too expensive, there are many possibilities to still enjoy wearing what you'd like because a price tag shouldn't stop you from being who you want to be.

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