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I recently watched an amazing film, based on Vikas Swarup’s novel, Slumdog Millionaire. It is both an action film and a love story, and it became an instant success all around the world when was first released in 2008. It is set in a modern-day Indian society and is about an 18-year-old orphan called Jamal Malik, who has grown up in the slums of Mumbai, and works in a call centre serving tea. To catch the attention of the girl he has loved since his childhood, Latika, he decides to enter the popular TV competition “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”. Although he has no formal education he manages to answer the game’s questions. That looked very suspicious to the Indian police, who accuse him of cheating. Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story and the adventures of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up.

The story is told though flashbacks of Jamal’s life, and although there are many heart-breaking scenes of cruelty and poverty it is very entertaining. Personally I found the character of Jamal very inspiring because despite his poor living conditions and his difficult background he bravely proved that there is the possibility of happiness for those with the determination to succeed. What I like the most about this film, is that it hides a fundamentally meaningful message: everybody can reach their own goals in life if motivated by love and passion.

I would highly recommended this film because I found the plot absolutely gripping and thrilling and if you enjoy action-packed drama, I’m sure you will love this film!

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