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My Day!

My weekdays, and the way they start, have changed significantly, especially if you look back three weeks ago when I worked full-time for a Law Firm in central London. It was far more hectic than now. Nowadays, I wake up at 6:30 am and get ready.My boys are responsible enough to do their bit. My husband usually prepares breakfast for all of us, the little one (Nacho) gets ready and dressed by himself and my older son goes to London South Bank University, he has to attend 3 days a week and he works in a shop with a 16 hour contract in Westfield.

At 7:45 I take my younger son to school, it is rush hour so driving to school and back takes me a good hour. I hate getting stuck in traffic jams. I park my car and I get the tube to attend my English classes in Golders Green from 9:30 am till 12.30 pm. I reach home about 1:00 pm depending on if I get the train or the bus. I have lunch while reading the news, preparing something to eat the night before makes things easier and quicker, I usually do that, I do my my best to eat as healthily as I possibly can, I do not like cooking when I am starving.

At 3:00 pm I have to pick my son from school, when we get home, we have a nice, special snack with Nutella and cookies.Then he plays for a while and I do my job applications after that Nacho does his homework.

My husband usually comes back from work between 5:30 and 6.30 and he does his best to spend some time with Nacho before shower time at 7:00. We have dinner together and Nacho goes to bed at 8:30 pm, one of us takes Nacho to bed and reads him a book and the other does the washing up.

And then we can watch a movie or some Netflix series together having some tea!

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