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Do you hide behind a screen?

Whereas our grandparents grew up in an 'unconnected' world, the new generation would be lost without technology. Even though new technology has improved our lives in many ways , we can not ignore the fact that some people are too reliant on it.

Living in a connected world is a great benefit. While in the past we had to wait weeks or months to keep in touch with our family or friends, now we just need one second to get news from all around the world. We are able to know what is happening everywhere. The huge amount of data available has transformed our quality of life. We have access to a lot of knowledge. However, if the modern world gives us the opportunity to be aware of our environment, we can not ignore the fact that some people are hiding behind a screen.

New technology leads to progress until human beings becomes totally obsessed by it. Indeed, the new generation tends to be focus on their image or public opinion. It leads people to spend more time concentrating on social media than on real life and has an impact on human relationships. The quality of our interactions is decreasing and whereas a friend used to be listened to, today his friend might be too busy in checking the last comment on his picture on a social networking site.

In conclusion, I agree that the world is too reliant on information technology. However, I believe that we are getting better at realising how technology can be dangerous and we can try to warn people about that danger.

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