Technology & Relationships Today

Technological Progress
Many people worry that they no longer have time in this technological world for the important things in life, such as relationships and thinking about themselves and their place in the universe. This may be true, and I will tell you what we have lost in recent years.
Today, the quality of our lives is more comfortable than ever. We can get anything 24 hours a day, get to know things all over the world instantly and connect with others easily. In particular, the Internet plays a central role and it has given us a big paradigm shift in our daily life. For example, you can do various things with your PC at home such as transfer money from your bank account, see a local town in a far away country or talk with your friends living abroad. What is more, communication methods with your friends have totally changed. You can contact quite a few of your friends, easily and quickly whenever and wherever you are.
In my day, IT technology was less efficient than it is now. I had to go to the bank to withdraw money to pay for a holiday. A letter to a friend living abroad was read one month later. I had to stay at home to call someone or be called. Based on this point of view, there was a lot of wasted time in those days, but there used to be more opportunities to have time for the important things in life. People enjoyed talking with others who were around them without checking their mobiles. They deliberated carefully for a long time before searching on google. They went to social activities to meet others instead of sitting in front of a laptop. Nowadays, you probably do not do things without the Internet while they did without it in the past and I can say that human relations can be controlled by SNS tools.
To sum up, I recognise we have greater opportunities to take advantages of a wide range of benefits from IT technology, however, I agree that we have less time for the important thing in life. Face to face communication is an essential thing for a human being to make close relationships even if you have fewer friends.