Technology - The pros and the cons!

Technological Progress
Today, we can't imagine a world without technology, though 20 years ago people were living without all the advantages we have now. But, has it changed us so much that we have less time for the important things in life?
It's true that our technological devices are a major part of us and when we go to work by tube in the morning, it is hard find anyone without his phone in his hand. Furthermore, it has affected our social lives, it's harder to find new friends in the real world because everything is done via social media which affects our self-confidence. At the same time, we get depressed because social media is a euphemism of the real world and we compare other living standards with ours, which are expressed in one picture. Everyone shows how happy he is or how good he looks which leads to a destroyed self-esteem because we are not as thin and beautiful as the person in the picture. Moreover, another major problem as well is, that today's technology is replacing work places and many employees are losing their jobs which causes a high unemployment rate.
On the other hand, it helps us to make work and school easier and we can do everything on the Internet now in order to save time, which is good for people who are working long hours and can't make it to the supermarket to do the grocery shopping. They quickly order everything they need online and decide at which time it should arrive at their home. Thanks to social media we are connected to the whole world, can make new friends and it also entertains us when we are bored.
All in all, I think technology offers many good opportunities and simplifies our everyday life. In particular now as an Au Pair, social media is more important than ever before because I can stay in permanent contact with my family in Germany.
However, I'm happy to belong to the generation which grew up without any technological devices and it's sad to see children who prefer playing on tablets instead of going out and being a child. I don't think that we have less time for the important things in life. People need to stop blaming technology for having less time because we are the ones being responsible for deciding how much time we dedicate to our phones and other devices.