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Can You Imagine Life Without Technology?


Nowadays, thanks to the constant modernisation process our society is experiencing, information technology has become essential in everyone’s life. As a result people are getting more and more dependent on it and I think it is true to say that we just can’t imagine life without it.

It is possible to see what a big influence the Internet has on our daily lives, starting with our free time. In fact most of our current spare-time activities involve the use of technology, such as playing video games, surfing on the Internet or watching television. People tend to spend more time at home with their phones rather than going out to enjoy some fresh air. What is more, all of this has a significant effect on relationships as well. It has been proved indeed, that more than the half of relationships today have started on social media. In regards to this, I strongly believe that many people, especially teenagers, abuse social platforms like facebook. Also the real meaning of ‘socialise’, which consists of meeting people in real life in order to have a conversation face to face, has been forgotten by the majority of us.

However, I have to admit that new technology helps us in a more practical way since it allows us to speed up many situations. For instance having technological support while studying can actually be very useful, because on the Internet you can find lot of information very quickly from different perspectives and this allows you to have a more complete view on the subject you are studying. In my opinion it is also a reliable source and sometimes it can be more up-to-date than books.

To sum up, I think that in general, information technology has improved our daily lives in many ways. Nevertheless, I also think that we should try to find a fair compromise so that we can manage to be self-dependent and not too obsessed with information technology.

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