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The Influence of Technology

Have people become too reliant on information technology or is this kind of technology just making people´s lives a whole lot easier? In order to answer this question it is necessary to take a closer look at the influence of technology on our ‘everyday life’.

On the one hand, technological tools like the Internet, email and texting, are a big advantage for everyone, especially regarding their work lives. It enables for example big companies or multinational concerns to stay in contact with different departments or branches of the company. It is basically information technology which allows big companies to communicate properly. Therefore, the whole company runs smoothly and is able to work as one big force.

Furthermore, information technology influences another big part of our society: students at schools or universities. In this case the internet plays an important role too. Especially when it comes to research, a lot of students use the internet as the source for their information. The reason why this is the most common way to look things up is clear; it is because it is the quickest way and saves a lot of time for the student.

On the contrary, relying on everything the internet says can have consequences, as basically everyone can post something online. This means if students do research on the internet and are not careful they can easily encounter incorrect information which they may use in essays or homework.

However, not only is this part of our life influenced negatively by our increasing reliance on the Internet, but our social life is also affected. Nowadays, more people tend to spend their leisure time on their phones than they did before, as it is just the easiest form of communication but what is often not realised is, that this is just virtual communication. This kind of communication is not the foundation needed for human relationships. In addition, it is often forgotten that to build a profound and good relationship real social contact is essential.

All in all, this topic is quite controversial for me as I grew up in a society with smartphones. However, I think we often ignore how many bad influences technological tools have on our private lives. Sometimes we should just take a break from this virtual life, so that we do not forget what is important in the real world.

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