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Short Story - A Beautiful Town

I'd like to talk about what happened to a town which was famous for tourists. This town used to be serene and sustain harmony with just a few inhabitants. There was nothing in this town. Only nature was the thing that this town was proud of. Although this town had a fabulous landscape, no-one knew about it before a man came to this town.

This man was a writer and while he was driving through the town, its scenery caught his attention. As soon as he realised how wonderful the scenery this town had was, he published a guide book about it. After the book had been published, lots of tourists visited this town to see the picturesque nature.

The town changed. It had been calm before, however, hotels, restaurants and some places for tourists were built one after another. Bright time had been continuing for that town for years.

One day, a terrible thing happened. In the middle of the night, a fire which was caused by a carelessness of somebody dropping a cigarette butt broke out. It spread over the mountains which were a symbol of that town. It burned for a couple of days and it was very hard to put it out.

The fire completely ruined the scenery of this town. As a result, many tourists left this town. The only thing that remained there was quietness.

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