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An Iraqi Celebration

Celebration marking the fortieth day after the death of Imam Hussain

This celebration is a great occasion for most Shia Muslims in Iraq and around the world. On this occasion people walk from their homes, some may travel up to 700 kilometres on foot from different cities in Iraq to the city of Karbala 80 kilometres southwest of the capital, Baghdad. The goal of these people is to commemorate the death of the grandson of the Prophet of Islam Mohammed. His name is Imam Hussain and he was killed for seeking justice and for rejecting injustice 1376 years ago.

More than 10 million visitors from different countries of the world reach the city of Karbala. In London, the Shia Muslims commemorate the fortieth day after the death of Imam Hussain in Marble Arch.

Some famous people in the world like presidents and leaders have mentioned Imam Hussain such as Nelson Mandela who said, “I spent more than 20 years in prison, then one night I decided to surrender by signing all the terms and conditions of the government, but suddenly I thought about Imam Hussain and the Karbala movement and Imam Hussain gave me strength to stand for rights of freedom and liberation and I did.”

Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘’I learned from Hussain how to achieve victory while being oppressed.’’

And we must mention one of Imam Hussain’s sayings, '‘The most merciful person is the one who forgives when he is able to take revenge.’'

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