My Farewell Meal

My last special meal was on August 30th last year, a few days before I left my hometown, Sabaudia, to come to London where I'm going to stay for the next six months. It was a farewell dinner in my home with my family, my friends and my boyfriend.
The dinner started around 8 p.m and finished around midnight. I wore a white dress and a beige jacket. The dinner was delicious, we ate some mussels as an appetizer, spaghetti with clams for our first course, and anchovies as our second course with various side dishes, such as salad and potatoes. We drank a scrummy Italian white wine and for dessert we ate very good pastries, that I bought in a pastry shop in my town.
It was a very enjoyable and fun dinner where every one of my family and friends said good things about me and wished me lots of luck for this new experience.