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The Lion

The name of the last film which I saw was The Lion. it was brilliant and it moved me because it was a real story about poor people in India. It was about a family who comprised of a mother and 4 children; 3 brothers and 1disabled sister. Their mum had to work for rich people and earn money to survive and two little brothers went to the train station to find money and leftover food which the passengers had thrown away or left on the train.

One night one of the little brothers got on the train and the train started to move and he couldn't get off the train and he went to another country and he didn't know his address as he was just 4 years old. He went to a police station but they couldn't find his family. Finally, a couple adopted him and they lived in Australia so he moved to Australia.

When he grew up, he tried to find his family and he was always searching on google to try to remember what the name of his village was. He was finally able to remember it after 20 years and he went to India and somebody helped him and he found his family and now he is alive and lives in Australia and 2 or 3 times a year he goes to India to see his family.

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