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A Dramatic Documentary!

Actually, I like watching action films, comedy films, documentaries and natural geography programmes but sometimes, I elect sports to watch. Recently, I was watching a documentary called Wonder But True. It was about an adventurer who went to Amazonia in Brazil with his dog. He had taken a little food, water and a few other things he needed.

He started his journey according to a map which he had and his dog followed him but, after a couple of hours he lost his way and he was bewildered. However, he tried to find his way but he couldn't find his way, rather some of his stuff fell in the river.

The day has ended and he made a bed from branches and leaves from the trees. He slept but he was startled by the frightening sounds of animals and he also felt stings from mosquito bites. The next day he decided to follow a trajectory. He wended his way as he felt thirsty and ravenous but, he had nothing to eat. He was licking the dew on the leaves and eating some leaves. He felt weak and couldn't see well to due Malaria.

After 20 days he decided to kill his dog and he did, so he made a fire and cooked the dog, he tried to eat it but he couldn't and he vomited. He was looking around disheartened, suddenly he saw the sign of an axe on a tree so, hope came back to him and he went to see the sign.

There was a rural man who was working in the plantation, so he was shocked when he saw the adventurer. The adventurer fell down and collapsed. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in hospital. He was saved by the farmer in the end.

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