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An Introduction to Pablo!

As you know my name is Pablo, I´m 19 years old and I´m from Spain. Yes, I´m still a child... but I think that I´m growing. I have been here in London for two months and I think that I haven´t only grown, but I feel that I´m maturing too. Living alone in a place that it isn´t your city, where you don’t have your family and where you are thinking about what will happen tomorrow, that makes you value things more than before you came.

I feel excited and happy to be here, I think that this is my place in this moment. I have a great host family, they always help me and they are fantastic. I know that my mother, my sister, my family and my friends will be in Spain when I return that’s why I said I wasn´t afraid when they asked me.

I needed to go away, life there is very different to here because I like people that want to grow and that have objectives in his life and here I found those people. I don’t like routines, I like change and meeting new things. I felt that I needed something more in my life. I was tired of the same things every day and I couldn’t find something to help me grow as a person. This is a bit of my story 😊

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