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Studying Aromatherapy in London 😊

I go to an aroma school fortnightly. My aroma school is called ITHMA and my classmates are multinational; from Brazil, Bulgaria, Russia, France, Germany, Japan and also the UK. The professional teachers in each field ;e.g. anatomy, massage, essential oils, chemistry and science etc teach us kindly. When we finish this course, we'll be able to be an aromatherapist. For a person like me who is studying English now, it is so hard to understand all of classes, but I enjoy learning in them. Actually, I think it could also be difficult to learn in Japanese!

My school is in Regent's Park and if I go out, I can see a rose garden, a fountain, a pond and some creatures so I like this school as well as Golders Green College. At lunch time, we usually go to the school cafeteria because the price is cheaper though there is another cafe and restaurant in this park. A large serving of salad is £2 and a delicious plate of lunch is only £4!!! Good for my wallet ♪ It is one of my pleasures.

I'm happy to be learning in a wonderful environment! I won't give up, I'll keep working hard towards my goal-to be an aromatherapist!!!!!!

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