Being Polite in Ecuador!

Ecuador is a multicultural country where you can find some different cultures. Some families are different, and they have a schedule to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. It depends a lot on where you are going to eat, what kind of culture you belong to etc.
For example, on the coast we normally have different breakfasts, sometimes people like to eat the same food as the previous night and that is called “calentado”. You normally eat green plantains with cheese, coffee or tea. Other people like some bread with eggs and milk. We have lots of variety in food.
People in Ecuador normally eat lunch at 12 or 1 o’clock, but, not later. And dinner is sometime until 7pm.
If you go for a dinner you should arrive early or on time but not later. If you arrive early, you should offer to help with something.
Sometimes when people invite you it is for a work meeting, a friendly dinner or for a relationship. People normally shake hands when they arrive or give hugs if you already know that person or one kiss if the girl is your friend. You must greet them. Here is some more advice:
You should bring a present for the host.
You should wait for host/hostess to start to eat before you start.
Some cultures in Ecuador pray before eating. If you’re not the same religion, you must still respect this.
You mustn’t eat separated from the principal table.
You should talk about most things but I recommended you shouldn’t talk about money and politics if they aren’t interested.
When you’ve finished your food, you mustn’t leave the table.
You shouldn’t use your phone for a long time or take any calls.
Normally, after food you should go to the restroom to continue talking.
You mustn’t leave the place immediately after eating.