An interview with Martina by Marija about Movies 🎬 & Music 🎤🎼

An interview with Martina by Marija about Movies & Music
First part about movies:
1.Do you like watching movies? If so, which genre do you prefer? Why?
Yes, I love watching movies. I prefer dramas, historical films, adventure films and romantic films, because every type of these kinds of films tells a different story.
2. Do you have favourite film? If yes, then which one and why?
Yes, my favourite film is “ The Green Mile” because the story is absolutely unique.
3. Do you like serials? Why/Why not?
I love serials on TV because I love discovering new programmes with different topics.
4. Do you have favorite serial? If yes, then which one and why?
My favourite serial is “Fringe” because it is about a really interesting theory of a parallel universe.
5. Who is your favorite actor/actress? Why?
My favorite actor is Matthew McConaughey because he’s absolutely unique.
6. How often do you go to the cinema?
In Italy I always went to the cinema twice a month.
Second part about music:
1. What kind of music is your favourite? Why? I I don’t have a favourite kind of music because I love listening to all kinds of music.
2. When do you usually listen to music?
I always listen to music when I’m free especially in my leisure time.
3. Do you go to concert or gigs? If yes, then how often? Which was your last one?
Yes, sometimes I go to the concerts. The last one was in August.
4. Who is your favourite singer or band? Why?
My favourite band is ‘Radiohead’ because they are the story of music!
5. Do you read newspapers or online news about singers, bands or actors?
Yes, sometimes I read magazines about bands.