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Last Weekend 🕺⚽🎼🎤

I went to watch a football match at Wembley Stadium on Friday evening. It was England versus Germany. It wasn't as exciting as a Premier League match. If you want a more exciting match, it's better that you go to a Premier League match.

I think the match was not so good but not so bad. The first half was exciting, and I enjoyed it but the second half wasn't as exciting as the first half. I think England did not have its best players and nor did Germany. One thing made me laugh, many paper planes were flying! They always fly at international matches. I was looking forward to the planes going into the goal, but it didn't happen. It happened during my last International Match.

On Saturday I went to play football with Pablo and some students. The ground was very slippery and muddy, so the conditions were terrible. I couldn't play well and nor could anyone else, but I tried to do my best.

In the evening I met Pablo again. He came my new flat. I have been in my new flat since last week. Jonathan and Misa came to my home. We drank some beer and red wine. I made tacos for us and we ate them. Everyone said they were delicious and amazing. It was my pleasure. There was good music. We listened to Bob Marley. It was played on a record player. We listened to other music too; Hip Hop, Rock and Blues. We sang Nirvana together. We sometimes danced, and Pablo rapped a specific song. Pablo is good rapper, so my room was like a club!

Time was going past 11 so we went out to central London. We joined Liza, Debora and Debora's friend in Piccadilly Circus. We went to a club and then…………please imagine yourself!!!!

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