My Weekend 🍂🐿🍁🌳

I woke up at 8am at the weekend and I had a nice and healthy breakfast with some orange fruit. I gained a lot of energy from my breakfast and got ready to go out. I left my place and wound my way to Golders Green Park at 9am for a walk. I’m interested in walking in natural environments like forests, mountains etc.
It’s a phenomenal feeling when you close your eyes and you hear the sound of trees, leaves and birds whispering into your ears while you hug the tree and you feel the energy flowing into your soul.
I really like feeding the animals, that makes me feel peaceful. For instance, it’s amazing when you feed the squirrels and they lick your palm and eat their food from your hands. Also, sometimes they come up from your body to catch the hazelnuts and they even might ransack your pockets for the food!
Anyway, I went to work at 12 noon and started to cook some food like vegetables, seafood, meat, stew etc. It’s a difficult and stressful job and I work so hard, I’m not satisfied with this job and I will try to change it. I know I have to strive and leave more time to ameliorate my English to find a better job, so this is my plan for the near future.
My job finished at 11pm and I turned up at my place at half past eleven and did my homework.
To sum up I want to tell you, endeavour to get positive energy that existence around yourself and leave technology – at least for a short time.