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Traditional Clothes in Bahrain

I would like to talk about the traditional clothes in my country and of course there are clothes for men and for women. A lot of men still wear traditional clothes, it’s a long dress for men we called “thob” usually the thob is white but now a lot of man wear a black, brown and or beige and for celebrations they wear something black called a “besht”.

And of course there’s something else for men and they put it on their head. It's called a “qetra” and is white or with red and white stripes and it’s square and they fold it into a triangle and they must put something on before it, something like a white hat that we call a “kahfia”, and the last thing they have to put on to secure everything is an “ekal” it’s a black thing and it’s circular.

And for women we have a long dress we call a “glabia” and it’s colourful and wide, they wear an abaia on the glabia. For girls, they wear something like a scarf called a “bkneg” but it is longer than a scarf.

Lastly, I would like to talk about celebration clothes for women they wear a lot of gold and they wear long and colourful dresses called a “thob nashel” and I love this dress 💜

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