Spanish News 🔆☀😎🏝⛰

Have you ever been to Spain? Spain is the most popular country to visit, you can choose a lot of alternatives if you want to go to Spain, for example if you go to the south of Spain you will be able to enjoy the beaches and Mediterranean food, but if you like mountain climes more, you can go to the north. However, nowadays Spain isn't doing well.
Firstly, Catalonia is located in eastern Spain and a lot of people who live there want it to be an independent state, but many Spanish people don't think that's a good idea. Catalan people want independence because they don't feel Spanish. Recently, in Catalonia there were some illegal votes to find out if the Catalans wanted independence or not and this caused many Spanish people to feel angry.
Secondly, there is a very important economic crisis which has caused many problems, but the most important problem is unemployment. Now in Spain there are around four million unemployed. This is a serious problem for society because many people have had to reduce their standard of living because in some families one member has lost his job. For this reason, a lot of families have to spend less money on food or clothes.
To conclude, Spain isn't the best place to find a job. Therefore, many students leave Spain to find one in another country.