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New Year In Japan

New Year’s Day in Japan

New year in Japan is called ‘oshougatsu’.

New Year’s Day is important for Japanese people. It is also an exciting day for children because adults give money to their children. This is called ’otoshidama’. Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts …… you can get money from different relatives. When I was child I always looked forward to it.

We eat a special traditional dish called ‘osechi-ryouri’. It’s an assortment of small dishes.

People send new year’s cards to friends, relatives and colleagues, but now many young people only send text or SMS messages.

People go to shrines to wish for health, happiness and so on for new year. This event is called ‘hatsumoude’ normally we visit shrines in January from 1st to 3rd but many shrines are opened on the night of New Year’s Eve. I also go to shrines in Kyoto every year. If you go, you can see an amazing view.

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