Loving Living Life In London!! 😜💙🎡🕍🎵

It was the 25th of September last year when I arrived in London to start my life as an au pair in England. Actually, it was not my first time entering British soil. I had been in London before in the spring for 2 weeks and in the summer of 2016 for 4 weeks to improve my English skills at a college and learn about British culture and customs.
In my first week, I was introduced to "Yom Kippur", which is the holiest day in Judaism. It is also known as the "Day of Atonement". After my host family had fasted for 25 hours, we had a lush dinner. Although they are not very religious, they like to celebrate the important religious celebrations in Judaism. They believe in the importance of being kind human beings rather than following rules which were written thousands of years ago. Overall, I am very interested in learning about different religions and very grateful for that personal insight.
My first weekend back in London I went to the centre and walked through St. James’ Park, waved towards Buckingham Palace to greet the Queen and then went to the Elizabeth Tower. It really felt great finally being back home, someplace I really feel that I belong.
In October I came to know my host children better and started my new life with getting a British bank account, enrolling at an English college, registering for the NHS (National Health Service), getting to know new people from all around the world and seeing London- a city I had been missing so much. So, I started with visiting Camden Town, going to my former host family in Beckenham for dinner twice, seeing the "Diwali Festival" in central London, partying in my favorite nightclub "Heaven" and getting to know new recipes from my host mum. I also got to know Anna, a very funny Bulgarian friend.

In November I discovered more of what London has to offer with Elen, ending up in "Blackheath Park"watching the Fireworks for the Guy Fawkes Night. Also, I got to know Camille, a dear friend I really appreciate having around. I ate a lot of great food, visited the "Southbank Centre Christmas Market", saw the Musical "Aladdin", received a package from Germany and experienced "KU Bar" for the first time. Also, I learned to adore my youngest host child and the lovely way he treats people and make them smile.

I started the new month with deeper friendships, more experiences and the feeling that I really do love my new life. Partying in "Heaven", I saw the X-Factor winners of 2017, deeply felt the feeling of freedom and experienced the power of great music. Also, I saw the Christmas lights in Oxford Street, went to "Winter Wonderland" in Hyde Park and saw the musical "Mamma Mia" for the second time.
I especially enjoyed December in London, knowing that I was going to return to Germany over Christmas. Furthermore, I really had some particularly good moments with some friends at "Skylight London", loved doing Zumba with Camille and really enjoyed eating out all the time. Before returning to Germany, I was invited by my current host family to have brunch and to have dinner with my former host family in Beckenham.
Back in Germany, I had some really nice days, surprising my family, meeting old friends, celebrating Christmas with my entire family, going skiing with a good friend, having a relaxing 10-hour spa day and visiting the other half of my family in Frankfurt. I realised how important and holy family is, but also that I no longer belong in my old life. I am not willing to lower my expectations for the person I once was.

In my new life, I really appreciate the great people who I am surrounded by every day. My host family, English teachers, friends, classmates, my yoga teacher, people who give me a smile and just make me feel good. There are still so many experiences to have, skills to learn and knowledge to discover. I am very satisfied with my lifestyle and grateful for every experience I can have.
The person I once was is dead - long live the new me!