My arrival in London

There has not been a moment since my arrival in London that I have stopped learning new things! I have met many very nice and kind people. Not everything has been great so far and things haven’t always happened the way I had imagined they would, but I guess that’s exactly the reason why I believe that I have grown so much in only, just under, four months.
I’m actually working as an au pair in a family and going to an English college at the same time. The college is obviously my favorite part because I really love learning languages and also because it’s an excellent college. I can even see now my own progress in English since I arrived in London. It has evolved considerably as I wasn’t able to write that much or even hold a conversation for longer than five minutes before.
In addition, there are all those people and new friends that I have met. They are the other best part of my experience. The fact that most of them come from different countries such as Italy, Germany, France and Switzerland brings brings a multicultural dimension to my English immersion which makes everything even more interesting. In fact, I’m learning a lot of new things from them and I’m enjoying it so much :)