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Surviving Without My Mobile Phone!

About a week ago, for almost three hours, I was absolutely certain that my mobile phone was lost. I was sitting there trying to acknowledge the depth of my disaster. All my important phone numbers, lovely photos, secretly stored pass codes, the birthdays of my husband's relatives- all these things had disappeared forever. I was so upset about being so dependent on this small piece of technology, that when I accidentally found it, I decided to prove to myself that I could manage without its help.

Normally, I prefer not to be hard on myself for a long period of time so I decided on a one-week punishment plan.

I started my adventure the next morning trying to ignore the feeling of not knowing anything about what my day would look like. I hadn't a clue about the day's weather, the time my bus would arrive or what the world's latest news was. When I was waiting for my bus I suddenly realised that I always pay for my ticket with my phone and that there was no chance I could catch the bus now.Trying to keep calm I returned home, found my old Oyster card and was obviously late for my class.

Later, that day my classmates decided to go and have some coffee together but I couldn't join them because I had no way of letting my daughter know that I would be home late. In the evening I had some problems doing my homework because my translation apps weren't available. Fortunately, I still had a dictionary from the old days!

My second offline day was really hard. I was supposed to send rent payment to my landlord, a tiny thing that takes only a few minute to do online, but took about an hour and a half in my new reality. And I needed to get more cash because that week I couldn't pay for my child's school meals online. Actually, I think the people in the queue thought I was a fraud. And grocery shopping...It was not funny at all carrying these bags home. How did our ancestors cope before online shopping?!

The following days went more smoothly. It took more preparation and effort than usual but I was proud of myself. Except for one last day- Sunday, I had booked the tickets for a Zoo a week earlier and they had been sent to my e-mail...

All in all, I believe I can survive without my phone. But live a normal life? Definitely, not.

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