Animals In Poland!

I’m Max and I’m from Poland. Now I would like to tell you something about my country which is in the middle of Europe.
Poland has a large amount of animals but many of them are endangered, for example lynxes. They need a place in forests, but we don’t have enough space there for them, same for wolves. Another animal that we love there is the stork, in particular, the black one is in big danger. They live near swamps and catch snails.
Sometimes in our country you can jump on boars, but beware, they are aggressive and unfriendly! They live everywhere in my country, even in cities! They can easily brake your bones by rushing at you.
The second dangerous species is the adder. It can bite and is poisonous. This kind of snake easily hides so watch out for them. Also, rivers are dangerous so don’t swim in them because you can drown in a whirlpool.
And that’s it. I’m sure that you will be pleased after visiting Poland!