Tips About Alsace!

If you are lucky enough, you can probably meet the Big Alsatian Hamster which is the most endangered species here.
As soon as you arrive in Alsace, beware it’s a cold area and you have to wear warm clothes, if you don’t want to be ill.
In case you forget your gloves, I could provide some for you.

Unless it’s not crowded, always keep your bag close to you in the Christmas Market. The city hall can provide a leaflet or you can find the Christmas market opening times online. As long as you do not drink too much beer, you’ll be fine!

The most dangerous natural events in my area are:

The most endangered creatures are:
A local species of duke
The big Alsatian hamster
The Sylvander butterfly

The most frequent illness you can have in Alsace are:
More than 35 % of the local population might have a stroke.
Between 20% and 50% of the local population might have cancer.
Between 20% and 50% of the local population might suffer from a sugar-related disease.