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Technology & Me!

Today's Technology is very important to me because I can communicate with the world and it makes my life more comfortable.

I start the day by checking my mobile after breakfast. I need to do it and I recognise I like checking my WhatsApp messages, my emails and Facebook frequently. These are the three most important apps that I use most often.

Another point I agree with is that technology helps us to shop online and to buy a lot of things like clothes, food and for me it is very important as it helps me when I travel.

I love travelling and now I can book and prepare all my journeys at home, I don’t need to go to the travel agencies. I feel independent as I can check websites, comments and I can choose my holidays carefully. In fact when I’m in another city, far from my home, I feel near because I can connect with people every day.

But I don’t agree with some uses of technology that are impersonal, for example self service checkouts. They cut down on jobs and you can't talk with the cashier.

In conclusion, as long as you use it correctly technology can benefit you.

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