Like everybody in the World I am addicted to technology. The technology I use most frequently is my mobile phone because, we can do practically everything with it.
One day I was with some friends and I noticed that all of us were using our mobiles. We were supposed to be talking and telling each other what had been happening in our lives, but it was totally the opposite, we were looking at our mobiles. So I decided to set a challenge to my friends which was to stay one day without using technology and whoever lost would buy dinner for the rest, and they accepted the challenge.
For me it was not really complicated because I am not addicted to my phone, but I noticed that I needed it more than I thought. In the morning I need an alarm to wake up and for that I use my mobile I do not have another one, that meant that day I woke up very late, so I arrived late at school and of course I could not tell my teacher “sorry I could not use my alarm because I do not have my mobile”, basically she told me that it was my own fault that I arrived late.
Something else I usually do it is check the newspaper when I am having my lunch. That day I could not do this so that situation was really strange and worrying because I did not have anything to do it, so instead of taking my phone out I took a book out and I started to read, and actually it was really fun and I enjoyed it.
Also I usually use my phone to study so that day I decided to go to the library to find some information that I needed. That moment was really amazing because I had the opportunity to meet some people and had a great time. And at the end of the day it was very difficult for me go to sleep because I have the habit of watching some videos or movies on my phone but that day I went to sleep with a book, which was very good for my mind.
When we met the next day not one of my friends had been able to do it, sooner or later they had used their phone, so I won, I was the only one who had not used my mobile and that made me very happy.
My conclusion from that day is that the technology is a very good instrument for all of us because it helps humans a lot and also it helps with research and science. But at the same time if we do not learn how to use it appropriately, it can be very dangerous and addictive. In my opinion we have to be very careful with children because they are using technology a lot and not necessarily for good things.
So, technology is very good but with control and responsibility.