Everyone looks forward to the weekend!

Everyone looks forward to the weekend! Last week was an amazing week. It was nice and sunny, and I saw people were happy and in a good mood. To be honest I miss the high temperatures from my country but I’m getting used to the weather in London.
This week is my mother-in-law’s birthday. On Friday my husband and I went out to buy a present for her. We went to Selfridges. It was really hard to decide what to buy but my husband came up with a great idea. We got her a perfume. I hope it will arrive in Romania in time.
Selfridges was really crowded and I don’t like wasting time waiting in a huge queues but I think it was just because of the weather. After shopping we were starving and we decided to eat something. We went to an Italian restaurant and we ate a vegetarian pizza. It was really tasty, and we made the right decision to go there.
When we got home we were exhausted but I like shopping for special things and special occasions.