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Should the media spend more time representing the lives of ordinary people?

What is popular and what catches the attention of the people is always reported by the media. Once there were only traditional media such as TV, radio and newspapers, which provided news. Nowadays the digital word and social media have increased the amount of news available to everybody. In this essay I will be speaking about whether the media world is too focused on sharing celebrities' lives and discus if it also focuses on sharing normal people's stories.

Firstly, I will start by saying that is normal behaviour for the media to spend its resources on what people like and actually, most people love to know about topics such as the lives of famous people. As a result, it is not only the fault of the media. Take the childbirth of Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, as an example. These days everybody is speaking about how she left the hospital just a few hours after she gave birth. I could find a lot of examples like this, but the fact is that the media publish this kind of news because everybody reads it or will be looking at it.

On the other hand, some people argue that the media should not report about the private lives of famous people, because they do not care about them. What is more, they would like journalists to report more about the experiences of common people. Many of these men and women have a story to tell, a tricky situation, they maybe need some help and so on. They can be an inspiration to everybody or we could identify with them, rather than looking at a famous person's lifestyle, which is very far from real life.

In short, I think the media have a very complicated system and business, which is the reason why I don't judge them doing their job, which is to sell news. In contrast, I also believe that if the media put the same amount of effort into reporting on ordinary people that would be great too.

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