Nuclear Power

Using nuclear power stations is a good way to provide clean energy. It is not just clean but it’s an easy way to provide energy.
However, it’s not 100% safe, Nuclear power is in 10th place regarding safety because lots of accidents have happened around the world. Not normal accidents but dangerous ones. It can cause a city to be burned down or third degree burns for thousands of people.
Lots of countries are planning to use the nuclear energy in the future such as South Korea, United Arab Emirates, France, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belgium and Hungary so it’s going to be a really huge project.
According to history the first nuclear reactor, was built in the United States. Since about 2001 the term nuclear renaissance has been used to refer to a possible nuclear power industry revival.
In my opinion, every type of power has negative points, but nuclear energy it can be used safely if the factory knows how to use it, and if you live near a nuclear power station be aware of the dangers and be careful.